Tuesday, January 7, 2025

When God understands my need


    On Friday, 1/3/2025 I decided I could treat myself to a day trip to the beach. I needed something fun in my life but also to sit by the ocean to be reminded that God is big and I am small. My beach plans started out normal as could be with a good drive but as I reached Isle of Palms my oil lamp, engine light, battery light and ABS light all popped on right as I turned on to Ocean Blvd. "Oh no! what's all this about?" I slide into a parking space and turned off the engine. Then tried the engine again... it wouldn't turn over. So, I checked the oil - it was good. Next decided to go sit on the beach until I was ready to deal with my car. PTL
Birds came and flocked around me sitting still with the weaves. But I didn't get a picture cause I moved once and they flew away. PTL

    When I was ready to leave, I got back to my car, looked up auto zone - Praise the Lord there was one just 10 minutes away. I tried the engine hoping it would work.  "Miracle!" It started! and made it to the auto zone. PTL.
    At Auto Zone I asked that my battery be checked, it was dead, 0% left. The man told me that the alternator was probably the problem but we could change the battery and check. The battery was still under warranty. PTL. So the battery was changed at no cost. The alternator was also dead. Friends sent money to help with the cost. PTL.
    I went into the store to figure out how to get my car to a mechanic and get my car towed to the shop. But then! The man (Mike who was helping me) said wait a sec I have an idea. Let me go call someone real quick. Mike came back talking to someone "what's your make and model again?... Yeah we have the part here at the store. How much would labor be? $200? Ma'am, can you do $200?" I nodded. "She'll do it, I'll give her your number." PTL! "This guy is a mobile mechanic just came down here from NC today. He came in the shop this morning to buy supplies for a job and left his number in case anybody needed him."

        Look at God providing a mechanic it's like God was planning my day better then I ever could!

    I was offered a safe place for my new alternore and car key so off I went to eat lunch and read my book. 
My car was fixed and paid for by 3:30pm so I went back to the beach where I found and pictured the below shells. I was a beautiful day where God reminded me that He is big, is the planner of my life, He loves me and provides for me. He planned my day better then I ever could! PTL!