Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday Morn

Low in the grave He lay
Jesus my Savior
Up from the grave He arose
With a mighty trimuph 
o're His foes
He arose the Victory
from the dark domains
and He lives forever with His saints to reign!
He arose! He arose! 
Christ arose!
       I went to Mundey Thursday service the other night and kept thinking about when I come to the cross I bring a nail and a stone to put Jesus on the cross with all my sin, my attitude is one of bitterness and hate. But Jesus because He knows the joy of being with His Dad says “okay, I’ll let you nail me to this cross. Not because it’s easy or cause I like it but because the joy to come. The joy that you get to have God as your Daddy because without this death you would never know or could ever be restored.” And Jesus before, during and after as I nail Him to the cross He has forgiven me, give me grace. I keep thinking in a way He shakes His head, talking to His Dad say's "Dad, it make me so sad, she doesn't know what she's doing -how she's hurting me and disobeying flat out hating You. But I love her, Dad. And I want her to know You as Dad." Then Jesus saves me and through walking with Him through life He takes the nail and stone out of my hands and put different things there. He redeems. He restores my broken heart, soul and life. He conquers all my shame through rising. He took on my guilt and now in Jesus Christ I stand forgiven, freedom from the law of sin and death.
I am ridiculously blessed! Wow! Praise be the matchless Name of Jesus Christ!

He is risen!

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