Thank You God for the good days, the hard days, the tearful days, the pain from deaths but most of all thank You that through all things You are good. Thank You for the blessings of change, for friends and new kind of family. Thank You for He Holy Spirit and Your kind of comfort. Thank You that 'He's not fair when He fixes what's beyond repair' -(Kendall Payne's song aslan). Thank You for snuggles when i don't deserve it. Thank You for Jesus dying on the cross for my sins the ones pple see but often and most for the ones pple don't see and pass over because "everybody does that" or "you may struggle with that forever, get use to it", Thank You that You don't become okay with my sins and breaking Your heart over and over every day just because I give up on myself. Thank You Baba that Jesus lived a perfect life and live with a crazy family that thought He was ridiculous, thank You sweet Holy Spirit that You get me. You understand. Thank You that You know what's just around the bend in my life and Your ready! Yeah! You got this one covered. I don't need to worry. I need to trust and walk with You through this life. (happy sigh) Thank You Baba for this life. Thank You for the lives of my friends and those that I will meet in the future. I'm quietly excited about this life ahead but so unsure of myself, but sure of You. I'm glad You never leave and You are really good.
Thank You for being good.
Thank You for being good.
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