Sunday, May 1, 2011

Image bearers

     Hey, so I'm reading this book called Rid of My disGrace by Lindsey and Justin Holcomb, I'm in the last section in the book call Grace applied. I haven't gotten very far into it but what I have been thinking on from it in the last 6 or 7 hours is the idea that God created us in His image, kind of like the illustration that they use that the ancient kings would set up images of themselves around their kingdom because their kingdoms were so vast that they themselves couldn't always make themselves known to each providence of their kingdom so they would have the monuments or status of themselves put up so that the people would remember who their king was.
     The book got this idea stuck in my head that when God created man and woman in His own image (as it stated in Gen. 1) and told them to multiply it was like He was saying remember Me. Make more people in My image to remind you of who your King is, to remind you how you ought to treat each other remember that you are made in My image.

      Here's another thing. At church we've started this new series called Different and Equal talking about men and women as equal and this first part of the sermon tonight I was having a difficult time really listening because I kept thinking "oh, yeah image bearers! We bear the image of God!" and like Jon was saying at the beginning of the sermon men and women have different qualities that show use what God is like. I just sat there being really amazed and excited that I get portray to those around me part of who and what God is like just by being a girl.
     I also got excited thinking about how different each of us is but yet we all bear God's image and learn from each other. Take for example this simple conversation my roommate and I had the other day. We were talking about what we would do if we had a little extra spending money and she said she'd think to buy a shirt, and I thought I'd like to buy more jewelry and a dress. She wished she thought more like that, but quiet honestly it'd be really great if I could remember to not by jewelry or dresses and buy a shirt. I kept thinking during the sermon isn't that just so? Buying a dress isn't more like God then wanting to buy a shirt, it's different perspectives and mind-setts that show off God. He made us different but the same... make since?


  1. Hello Lovely:

    OK, Swell. Now you've your own "Blog". Whoa! Tried to add a photo, but kicks all my attempts out(?).

    Interesting topic I must say, and one that is very much dicussed and visited in the East a lot, as well as the science community now. We are all actually one, yet also all. We are also a reflection and a counter/contrast. So, it all coems to "balance", yes?

    Be well,
    Peace & Light,
    Richard :^)

  2. i'm not sure what you mean by balance? and am wondering if you believe there is one higher being only through which you can get to heaven? and do you believe in an after life, or not? i can't really tell if you do. and/or do you believe that there are many roads that lead to the same ending and purpose in life or after life if you believe in one. ??
