Friday, June 3, 2011

Insecurities and Me

Dear Blogger Land,

     About a month ago one of my trusted friends (and still loved) suggested that I am insecure. I on the other hand had never really thought about it. You know? I mean I heard others talk about it but when I think Vicki Hansen and insecure I think they repel each other. It's more like Vicki Hansen and Scared are friends. Not Vicki Hansen and Insecure are friends. mmm, I just don't know about this idea! But I was thinking these last weeks maybe insecure is just a nice way of saying "I'm scared!" like "blah! scared of men thinkin i'm fat" when i could say in a more no nonsense way "I'm insecure around certain types of men". no, no, no. that just doesn't sit right in my head. sigh. gosh! words! feelings!
    but no really all joking aside i just don't like the word insecure... i don't know. scared sounds more right to me.


[in-si-kyoor] Show IPA
subject to fears, doubts, etc.; not self-confident or assured: an insecure person.
not confident or certain; uneasy; anxious: He was insecure about the examination.
not secure; exposed or liable to risk, loss, or danger: an insecure stock portfolio.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     like i was sayin'! scared. it's like worry and fear in one word. but aaaaaaaaagh! i just don't want to put that as defining word about me. i'd rather just keep sayin ''i'm scared. i'm shy. i don't know about that. i'm worried." but, but.. OH BUMMER! i don't know. whatev. it doesn't have to define me.. I'm mean really Jesus Christ defines me. but I'm "insecure" about His love for me. I'm not always sure that I'm okay in Him so i start to worry and fear about anything and everything around me. though i must say i don't mind using the word Insecure with the sentence above. so maybe I'll just be scared of things on earth and worried about situations and say that it's all because I'm insecure in Christ. yes. that wraps it up nicely. thank you Blogger land with your fine lush green rolling hills and butterfly's! thank you! 

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