Friday, May 25, 2012

Just Obey

Okay, i'm going to pretend that you, Oh my reader, did not read my last post. something about this post idea and the last is making feel really silly-girly-whirly shallow. 

K, so i've been having a crush on this guy (we'll call him Boy)  and just thinking crazy thoughts and dreams and those thoughts of "oh, if only he would say this or did that... or if we could really have a good friendship then I'd be the happiest girl in the world forever, i' mean of course we'd have problems but we'd work them out with Jesus and forgive and we'd be the happiest..."

I realized pretty quickly that I've been idolizing Boy and "our relationship potential". That's not okay with Jesus my Savior so I started praying "God will you please crush my crush? Will You please get Boy a girlfriend, like today? Because if he had a girlfriend... "

"If you would just obey Me then I wouldn't have find Boy a girlfriend."

"But wouldn't that be so much easier? I mean You're God. You can do anything. You can get him a girlfriend fast. And besides that's how You crushed my last few crushes... they started dating and I felt hurt but now I'm not crushing on them am I?"

"If you would just obey Me then  this would be so much easier for All of us."

"What do You mean obey You? Oh. You mean be emotionally present and realize that where ever I am that's what's happening in my life right now? You mean trust You to do as is good for all You're creation and be present."

When I started practicing being present all these different thoughts came up trying to get me back into daydreaming about Boy and were successful until... I stopped and started thinking about things I know God has called me too. I had this shocking realization slap me in the face.

Even if I found Mr. Future Husband Man today, God has clearing given me some things to do in the next few years that if I don't do them I'm flat out rebelling against God. 
Even if I marry the hottest man of prayer on the earth I am still responsible for keeping up my relationship with Jesus and obeying His callings on my life.

When I refuse to obey I'm trading God's peace for something I think will be better. When I disobey I miss daily blessings and sweet time with my Holy Savior.

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