I was thinking tonight while thinking serious thoughts that there is something I wish I could tell my neighbor when God pulled a fast one on me and turned it around. Here's the story.
Me thinks: He is an extremely handsome, has an awesome car and for pete's sake he got to buy a HOUSE! Lucky dog! Yet in comparison these things fade fast and aren't worth shit in comparison with the loving relationship he has with he's Dad. Appearances, fast cars nor a house are worth a lick in light of the fact that he has a loving Dad who is still alive and wants to be part of his life. A dad that speaks well of his own wife. Amazing. Do you know how rare it is to see a father and son enjoy each other? Wow. so amazing.
Yes, I will admit that i think my neighbor is handsome but I'd like to be a relative more then anything... just to have a father that cared about me and things I think are exciting, to help me through life, and to (now that I'm older) be a friend. Having expensive things and good looks aren't worth shit in comparison to having a loving father.
Enter God.
Vicki, your duplex, car, job, friends, idols aren't worth shit in comparison to the gift of having relationship with your Heavenly Father God. Your brightest hopes and dreams, your best achievements, your relationship statues and abilities aren't worth shit in comparison to the beauty and grander of your relationship with Jesus.There's so much more growth to come in my Baba God relationship, my stuff?
Not. Worth. Shit.
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