Monday, May 6, 2013

Faithful in the Little Things

Growing up my siblings and I had chores every week, mine was to make sure the house hold trash "wasn't overflowing" (lol, you know takin out the trash), we also had a weekly dishes schedule. There were a number of occasion that I remember complaining about my part this is so annoying! I don't want to! Why do I have to do this?
Be faithful in the small things, Mom would say. That honestly didn't help my attitude a whole lot until one day I asked her what she meant. She said something like when you're faithful in the small things God knows He can trust you, that you can handle more or bigger things. 

Something I struggle with is looking to the future thinking When I'm at this point in my life I'll happier, or my life won't be so boring, or whatever. But what I've learned (and stolen from Mom's lesson) is that God has given me a job to do today, or at this time, and He wants me to do it! There are lessons to still be learned in this job He has me doing that will prepare me for the next job, the next thing He has for me. Being faithful right where God has called me can really try my patience, but it grows my relationship with Him and He brings blessings in the normal everyday life that I would totally miss were I always dreaming about the future.

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