Saturday, May 11, 2013

Vanity - Pride

In October I got a trainer for the last six months of my gym membership and started working out regularly. And was noticed by men frequently which brought  up a lot of my own insecurities that I didn't know how to handle but on the twist side was a bit proud and flatter that men were noticing me. I talked an obsessed about it to a few friends. Sometime the week between Christmas and New Years a roommate confronted me with something like: Can you please stop talking so much about how men notice you? Men don't notice me and I wish they did, but they don't. When you talk about it so much I start to feel really insecurities. My first (condemning) thought was to tell her she needed more Jesus! But that Holy Spirit said firmly You need to not say that right now. Think about it first.

I have a neighbor who lives in the house next door who enjoys having people over for parties, which is great - I'm all for people having community! However, he isn't very considerate of his neighbors in that sometimes they go off to bars and leave the extra cars at his place and then come back at about midnight to 3am. They are loud upon returning. He is a teacher so he has the summers off, so last year these things happened throughout the week not just weekends. Last night was such a night. I woke up annoyed, I deserve my sleep! They should know better! I shouldn't have to go tell them to hush please, it's 1am!

I made a new friend some months ago but before we became friends I was like  No, I don't make friends with  please like that! I ignore them. 

I was just watching Julie and Julia with a good buddy of mine. When the couples fought I found myself thinking When I get married I would never be so crappy to my husband!  Only to be convicted that yes, Lord I am a sinner. OH. NO! I will be that horrible to my husband and there's nothing I can do to change that! 

I feel so self conscious! Stop noticing!
I deserve the things I want!
I can't hang out with anybody except pretty people!
I would NEVER do x, y, or z!

Really, Vicki? Really? Is that what this life is about? Is your identity really found in these things? These opinions of others? Who are you really? Because these stories make it look like you think you are god. So if you, Vicki-girl, is god then who does that make God Jesus Christ? What exactly has happened to His power? Was it you? Or God Jesus Christ that raised Christ from the dead? Oh...oh, it was God that did that. Yeah, yeah, mmmmm, so Vicki doesn't have that kind of power. Interesting. So who was it that made you pretty? Was it Vicki? Oh? No? It was God? Yes? And who can read thoughts? Oh, right that's only God. So that means that you can stop assuming you know what every man is thinking and humble yourself and ask Holy Spirit to teach you how to live. But while we're here lets just remember that it's God who gives beauty and it's God that takes away. Beauty is a reminder, a steeple, to God's craftsmanship.
Vicki deserves what she wants... well I'm pretty sure she was good with hating God but He pulled her out of darkness to His light in His wholeness. Vicki-girl, don't you see? You deserved Hell outside of Christ, now you are in Christ because of His grace and you need it more then you want it sometimes. And to your never would I ever's... you already have. But the difference between you and God is that you call upon yourself to complete lists and exclude those that don't measure up to your standards, but God as already completed the only list and not one human measures up yet He offers grace to the humble.
I deserve nothing. I have everything already and act like I did it for myself when really God just gave these gifts to me. I'm pridefully taking credit for things I didn't help create.

I'm a child thinking I've made me who I am, I've placed my hope in myself not Jesus... when it has always been God. I wouldn't be here without Him.

Check out Hosea 11:1-9


But you must return to your God,
maintain love and justice;
and wait for your God always
Hosea 12:6

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