Monday, May 13, 2013

Life is a Mist

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead you ought to say, "if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. James 4:13-15

God's been teaching from these verses pretty steadily for the last five years. I have a coworker that every day when we leave instead of saying for sure "See you tomorrow!" she says "God's will, see ya tomorrow!" When I first started sitting in front of her sometimes I say back "God's will" but twice it happened that I didn't, I just assumed that I could bring me back. Both times I woke up sick the next morning. Mmm! God has a way of talking doesn't? I like to think I have this life figured and I know how to run it but, nope! My plans have to pass God's approval. 

My life is a mist... I heard a sermon on this passage last January and was struck with the reality that my life is short in the grand scheme of eternity. Even if my life is the mist from a body spray on somebody it really only last a day which is longer then the wetness stays but really... a day isn't very long either. So I was asked this question, in light of your life being a mist what do you really need to be doing with your life? My answer? Trusting Jesus and loving people closer to Jesus. I get side tracked a lot. I'm learning when I get  caught up in  mess the most healing thing is to remember my creator has a plan for life, I'm not the super star of my life or my friends lives. Our lives are all about Jesus, He is the hero  of the whole story. My life story is to make Him shine brighter and best! That's what this mist wants!

I often think that You Lord are doing my life all wrong. But I see only my story. I see only a simple frame, but You see lives that You are working on. Not just individuals. You are at work on the whole crowd. My plan would harm another, Your plan grows and strengthens all. You see and know the plans. I'm just a dot of paint of Your grand painting. My life is not about me, our lives are not about us. They are about You, Jesus.

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