Sometime after my first year of college I was bumming around after a long week of work watching movies and just feeling really listless and despondent about my life and how it seemed that I was failing at life. I felt like I failing because not only did I have a grub janitor job but I also had never dated anybody, I was nearing my 20's and there was no man on the horizon for me. All I was doing for life was working 50 to 65 hours a week, eating, sleeping and watching movies with my house mates. So I was watch some movie when this idea struck me that you know what? My life is now! If I want to live a life of adventures I need to start today or at least get a plan and go. I didn't know where to start, so I looked up at the ceiling and said God? Help. I need a plan. Please make my life a great adventure. The earth did not shatter that day but God started growing and moving me in a different direction.
Okay so fast forward 8 years to today. The reason I'm writing later tonight is that I was at Community Group which is a month old church plant. Talk about adventure! It's not what I had planned for my life at all. Not even in the last two years did I dream I'd be at a church plant. I thought I was going to grow old with Midtown Fellowship family. I didn't think I'd be going to a house church with total strangers and growing in God's Word! I mean what? Are you flippin crazy? I was talkin to my good friend Ishia tonight on the way home about one of the ways that God has grown me and gotten me ready for this church plant (and this blog tonight a-maz-zing!) is realizing that no, marriage isn't the ultimate goal. Marriage isn't the prize or the thing that starts life, or something to run your life around. Marriage is a gift just like singleness, these two aren't to be compared. When I start comparing my singleness to a married friend I stop and tell myself No Vicki it isn't about this things, life is about the gospel and how God can spread it farther in this world. If He thinks reaching the world with His promised hope is through me being single then I'm game! If He can display His gospel better later through me getting married, cool! Bring on that man, Lord!
In group tonight we were talking about Mark 4 tonight with parables of the sower, the lamp stand, the growing seed and the smallest of seeds. The sower threw the seed everywhere, we are to scatter seeds of Christ and the gospel everywhere. We don't hide lamps under things we turn'em on to give light so your light shine Jesus' love, peeps! We get to share the Word and it's God Who grows the plant so after you share it don't worry. God said He would grow it so He will! And the mustard seed is the smallest seed but God uses it to enrich lives with His truth and love, just like He uses every Christian to enrich the lives of those around them.
So share, shine, trust God for growth, and allow God to use you as enrichment.
Tack on to this some verse in James 4 that talks about our lives being a mist. Meaning in light of eternity my life is about 2 seconds long so how am I going to live in light of the gospel? Do I want to make a difference for the next generation? Or am I going to sit around here moping because I haven't gotten the life I had planned?
We can sit on our bums pouting about the life God hasn't given us, or we can praise Him for salvation and new idenity in Christ, and ask Holy Spirit to grow and shape us.
Okay so fast forward 8 years to today. The reason I'm writing later tonight is that I was at Community Group which is a month old church plant. Talk about adventure! It's not what I had planned for my life at all. Not even in the last two years did I dream I'd be at a church plant. I thought I was going to grow old with Midtown Fellowship family. I didn't think I'd be going to a house church with total strangers and growing in God's Word! I mean what? Are you flippin crazy? I was talkin to my good friend Ishia tonight on the way home about one of the ways that God has grown me and gotten me ready for this church plant (and this blog tonight a-maz-zing!) is realizing that no, marriage isn't the ultimate goal. Marriage isn't the prize or the thing that starts life, or something to run your life around. Marriage is a gift just like singleness, these two aren't to be compared. When I start comparing my singleness to a married friend I stop and tell myself No Vicki it isn't about this things, life is about the gospel and how God can spread it farther in this world. If He thinks reaching the world with His promised hope is through me being single then I'm game! If He can display His gospel better later through me getting married, cool! Bring on that man, Lord!
In group tonight we were talking about Mark 4 tonight with parables of the sower, the lamp stand, the growing seed and the smallest of seeds. The sower threw the seed everywhere, we are to scatter seeds of Christ and the gospel everywhere. We don't hide lamps under things we turn'em on to give light so your light shine Jesus' love, peeps! We get to share the Word and it's God Who grows the plant so after you share it don't worry. God said He would grow it so He will! And the mustard seed is the smallest seed but God uses it to enrich lives with His truth and love, just like He uses every Christian to enrich the lives of those around them.
So share, shine, trust God for growth, and allow God to use you as enrichment.
Tack on to this some verse in James 4 that talks about our lives being a mist. Meaning in light of eternity my life is about 2 seconds long so how am I going to live in light of the gospel? Do I want to make a difference for the next generation? Or am I going to sit around here moping because I haven't gotten the life I had planned?
We can sit on our bums pouting about the life God hasn't given us, or we can praise Him for salvation and new idenity in Christ, and ask Holy Spirit to grow and shape us.
Holy Spirit give us wisdom and vision to live out the gospel with those around us in every circumstance, good or bad. To remember that the sweetness of You, fall in love with You and spread You're light with others. Give us contentment in the stations You have us in now so that our witness will not be hindered.
Single or married let your life in Christ be you're goal in life. It's a grand adventure. We broken sinners need Him most and best of all things!!!
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