Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Submit To the Lord

I was driving home to my sister's house from counseling on a rainy day on GA roads I didn't quiet know yet. By Your Side by Tenth Avenue North came on the radio... I broke into tears and soon pulled off to the side of road to cry. I kept asking God to take my pain away. The painful thing I'd been dealing with in counseling. I didn't understand why I was where I was, I just wanted life to be different and I didn't want to be crying alone in the rain. I wanted an easy life. I was fighting God's hands every step of the way. But then there was that thought. Maybe God did really care like the song said. Maybe He does love me and what I'm going through was so that I could help somebody else in their pain. I started to let go of my grip on how God should run my life. I started asking God what is You're will for me? Please change me to look like you and make this submitting thing easier. Match my will to Yours.

Submitting has gotten easier... well in that I've learned that God is really good and loving it's easier to submit to Him. I've learned the sooner I stop fighting an praise Him for whatever the easier the change is, and easier the lesson. I don't always like what God is doing but I know He is good. always.
In Ephsians God talks about submitting to you're husband as to the Lord. When that first popped out at me in 2010, I was like man! It'd be easier to submit to a man! dah! but really i'm not sure it would be. I guess it depends on what the person or God thinks of you that you're submitting to, that you're laying aside your suggestions too and following. and it depends on what you're view of them is.

Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. Eph 5:22-24

I don't have much else to say mainly because I'm tired. there is something I've been struggling with the Lord on and today I finally had an out with Him on what I really think. ...i'm having a hard time trusting Him to provide money for college or even did I understand Him right? Am I really suppose to go finish school? I'm not sure, but it was good to be honest with Him. Not only because I got it off my chest but now all I can really do is wait for directions. Wait for His lead in this area. that's hard too. Part of submitting is waiting and doing things somebody else way and often for me that's not fast enough. (sigh)!
But God is good. And God is not a god of confusion. He will make my paths straight. Submission and waiting = hard. But worth it. Promise, promise.
I think God likes teaching us because it keeps us close to Him. I'm learning in quiet ways God really likes relationships. He likes being in constant communication with His children through prayer. It's almost like He'll do anything to get our attention back on Him so We can grow in deeper and deeper relationship with Him.
crazy that the God of the universe would go to such lengths for us. but so good.

A Note I wrote on Marriage in 2010
Tenth Avenue North - By Your Side

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