I once dreamed that a sparkling bling would bring joy and peace. But You my God smashed my trade to reveal the lie.
I said that brokenness could heal my broken heart. But how can a broken man offer help when he can't fix himself? Wouldn't he want healing for himself first? Of course!
So where? Where? Where will my aching heat be filled how will I ever find that lasting love, that satisfying joy?
The cross! The cross! A perfect Man yet fully God came down to be my sin, to take on my broken heart.
He was broken for me!
He was crushed so that I could be made whole, to reconcile to Himself those that need Him. Even though He knew we'd turn away from Him a thousand times to try to find His wholeness in created expensive lovers. He came to be my first Love.
I once dreamed that moving away to college would bring me joy but honestly I found myself just as broken as high school days. College didn't bring what I expected but I expected marriage to fulfill? Nope, that would be just another lie.
I am broken, imperfect and out of control in need of a God that can truly change a heart like mine.
There is only one God, one Lord, He raised Himself from the dead. He and He alone has the power to satisfy my every desire and need.
The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply;
their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out
or take their names on my lips.
The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Psalms 16:4-6
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