Saturday, December 17, 2011

currently thinking... (just processing nothing huge)

so i'm borrowing a bed and mattress from a friend that is about to move to a different state which reminded me that sometime i'm going to have grow up and buy my own bed. which has thrown my mind in questions of what kind of bed do i want? and how much do i want to spend on it? how much do i need to start saving for it?
my first answers are quiet simple - twin sized, just the frame and as cheap as possible, free would be awesome.
but then i started thinking... well one roommate has a queen size bed and the other has a twin with a large head board, maybe something like that? but no. i don't want a head board because i remember so many times hitting my head on them as a kid - ouch! no thanks. and then i thought... get a queen size bed in case you get married one day. you can keep your bed and save money if he happens to be also sleeping on a twin bed currently too.
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. me? sleep on a queen size? no! how sad! growinng up i shared a queen size with my sister and that was fun. and a few times i've visited other pple where their guest bed was a queen and i just felt really lonely without a friend. besides they take up tons of room. and besides, you can fit lots of pple on a twin! hahaha! so it's settled i would like a twin sized though i will probably look at different types of frames just because, because.
i know i know, odd post. but there's my brain for you. besides i have a head cold, you never know what you will get when someone has a cold.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


have you ever listened to or read different chapters of the Bible and been filled with the sense of awe at God's passionate love for His bride the church? He's passion that sets your heart still and then that rush? like you just want to lay in His arms. has His love ever awakened something new in you? has any such wonder of such love ever made you want  to drop everything and run to do He's bidding. yes the world calls, facebook calls my name and emails, work, crushes, sleep, but a pure love that yearns with passion for His bride the Church, each of His beloved children. *sigh* would that i remember such love daily.

psalm 45-46 and John 17