Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Idol's and Luke 15

I was thinking back over the sermon I heard on Sunday night today an was complaining in my brain because I thought the series we're starting was Idols! What in the world does Luke 15 have to do with idols? Then my "be nice" self cut in - Were you listening to the sermon at all? Matt did talk about Idols!
Yeaaaa-aaaah! It had to do with the brothers heart motive!
Huh? How's that work?
Think about it.... maybe pray about it?

So I did.
Mmmm so the prodigal son is about two son's that want their father's riches but don't really care about Dad. But Dad love his boys! He wants the best for them. He is a loving father.
(reader i'm sorry i'm to tired to write more... maybe later.)

By the end of the day I came away with the questions... What was the two brothers idols? What was pride saying in their hearts? What are my idol's that make me hate God but love His riches. What is my pride? And who does that make God if I'm right?

Thursday, February 13, 2014


I want to be beautiful
I want to be wanted.

Just listened to my roomie melt down about her job and personal life. Previously we'd watched four episodes of TLC's What Not to Wear, we both love the show. But somehow after watching it I just feel empty and not up to par. In one hour it will be Valentines Day 2014 and I'm just feeling the blues. The last two days have been not normal due to snow and ice covering the south which means shutting down cities and towns. My work has not be open for business and neither has a lot of places. It's been nice, but I miss my schedules.
But today I went an hung out with neighbors who invited other neighbors within walking distance. It was a great time, but I slowly have become aware that  I hang out with a lot of couples. I'm 28 and single and today I was just really feeling it. It seems like the  groups and people I gravitate toward are married folk. An I just miss being around singles... but when I'm with all singles I hate it and want there to be married folks there too. Why don't I have an even mix? Why don't these groups mix more? I enjoy singlihood but I also hate it. Its a joy and a struggle.
I was recently talking with a married friend (she's been married about 2years) and asked her how it was going. She said she loves but she hates it, just like in singliness there were days she loved but it was a struggle. Marriage is the same she loves it but its a struggle too. She was reminding me that both are a blessings and one is not better then the other, it's where God has you. Reminds me of what another friend said, "X amount of years ago I traded my single man struggles in for a married man struggles".

Lord God,
I don't know what You have for my future but I know You are good. Jesus I ache right now, please hold me! Please keep Your promise that You put the lonely in families (ps68:6), that You will never leave or forsake me (Deut 31:6). Teach me to love You most best and always, walk in obedience to You, keep Your commandments, hold fast to and cherish You Jesus, and to serve You with all my heart, soul, and mind (Josh 22:5). Daddy God if there is husband in my future prepare us both for that life and grow us strong and in love with You Jesus, make us fishers of men, makes us look like you. And Daddy if there is no husband in my future then just grow me in those things anyway! Make me about You. At the end of my life bring You glory and bring me joy! Love You! Night night.